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KUTSE Euroopa Religiooni Akadeemia 1. aastakonverentsile 5.-8. märtsil 2018 Bolognas

KUTSE Euroopa Religiooni Akadeemia 1. aastakonverentsile 5.-8. märtsil 2018 Bolognas Loe kutset siit. NB! Üliõpilastel on võimalik taotleda Euroopa Religiooni Akadeemia 1. aastakonverentsil osalemiseks reisistipendiumi. Akadeemia kodulehe leiab siit.

After Ex Nihilo Zero Conference (Bologna, June 18-22, 2017), EuARe will start in 2018 its annual meetings, which in the forthcoming years will take place in early March.

The 2018 Conference will be held in Bologna from Monday 5th to Thursday 8th March.
The program will be composed of plenary (lectiones magistrales and roundtables) and working
sessions (panels and papers).
Lectiones magistrales will be held by: Andres Winroth (Yale University); Philip Reynolds (Emory University); Risto Saarinen (University of Helsinki); Else Marie Wiberg-Pedersen (Aarhus University); Mona Siddiqui (University of Edinburgh); John Zizioulas (Thessaloniki School of Theology); Christoph Markschies (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) and many others.
Three roundtables will be convened on the topic of ‘Change and Religion in Europe’, and on the figures of Aristotle and Moses.